Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thomas's birthday and aftermath

On Thomas's 2nd Birthday we went into the city to meet up with Paul, Lindsay, their 9 month old Olivia, Colin and his girlfriend Sarah, and Doug. They were in town for the day so we met them at their hotel and then went to the Ferry Building to wander around and have brunch. We had a great time seeing everyone and it was great to meet Sarah as well. Olivia was a perfect angel just chilling in her stroller and it reminded me how times change! Thomas was all over the place at brunch and is definitely more high maintenance than he used to be at meal times. We had a great time and can't wait to see them all again. The following weekend we threw Thomas is first Bday party and we had a great time. A bunch of neighbors and friends came out and we had lots of food and fun. I, of course, totally forgot to take pictures. We took a few after the party of him playing with some of his toys. This year he got lots of books, trucks, trains, paints, play-doh, a stroller for his lion, a super hero Thomas cape, and other awesome things. He was SO tired after his party that Shem had to wake him up the next morning and he said it's the most tired he has ever seen him. Glad we waited until this year to have a party for him because he really had a great time and so did we.

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