Friday, February 20, 2009

6 months old!

Ok, so we are two days shy but, Thomas is pretty much 6 months old!  Time has been flying.  He is becoming more and more of a little person and we are loving it as his personality emerges.  Thomas has been Mr. Smiles the last few weeks but, he has also developed some stranger anxiety, busting into tears when strangers say hello.  Hope that goes away!  He is getting more mobile and I sense that crawling isn't too far off in his future.  We're still on his two bottom teeth which are getting so big but, I am keeping my eyes peeled for more.  We keep getting sick which has been annoying but, I guess that is part of kid-land...constant colds.  Every morning we go in to get Thomas at 7:15 a.m. and he has started to be just chilling in his crib when we come in.  He gives us a big smile when he sees us, as you can see in one of the pictures.  I went to Sonoma to a couple of vineyards for the first time with friends.  I can't believe I lived in Santa Barbara for 5 years and had never been to a winery.  It was so much fun.  It is so beautiful up there!!  Thomas came along and we had a great time.  I took pictures of the sheep that graze around the vineyards.  Apparently they rent them out and let them loose in the vineyards so they don't have to mow.  Shem's solo show is this weekend up in Point Reyes so, we are looking forward to that.  He already sold a painting!...very exciting.  I will post pictures of the opening after this weekend!  


alyssa said...

dude Thomas is seriously the CUTEST baby - i love him!!!!! i really wish i was there to hit the wineries with you - fun! :)

Rachel said...

Very cute and what a great update on the little guy. he sounds so sweet. love to you guys.

che_girl said...

happy 6 month birthday Thomas! Tell your mommy that crawling is no longer considered a milestone;)

Aunt Sue said...

What fun to see Thomas growing up. He looks very happy--except maybe with the peas