Sunday, February 1, 2009

California love

It's been a crazy week.  We went hiking with Thomas and the dogs last weekend and took some pictures.  We are lucky to have so many amazing nature areas and trails so close by.  Oscar and Effie are always up for the treks as well.  They get super excited when we start putting our tennis shoes on.  We took Thomas to the park for the first time and he fits into the bucket swing.  He didn't seem to like or dislike it much though, he just sort of sat in it.  Thomas loves being out and about.  I take him for a walk everyday and he just sits in his stroller and looks around at nature.  I got the flu at the end of this week and through this weekend which hasn't been fun.  Shem has been awesome, hanging out with Thomas so I can get better and so they don't get it.  So far, so good.  The first night I was sick Shem cut his finger really bad while cleaning a knife.  He came into to tell me and all I could say was "not the time Shem, not the time."  Poor guy!  He is healing though and I am getting better as well.  We are mending and watching the super bowl...being sad that the Eagles aren't in it.  There is always next year!


Anonymous said...

Thomas is really starting to get big! I remember the first time I took Isaac in the swing... he was probably about 5 months old. At first I think he was a little freaked out. But once we got moving he started to dig it... Our kids have way too much in common!

Rachel said...

sharon-he is so adorable. I cannot even stand it. Hugs to you guys