Friday, July 3, 2009


This last month has been crazy!!!  One of my best friends Jen came and visited (of which we took no pictures).  We had tons of fun and although she came without her daughter Anna, and we missed her, it was fun having some girl time!  After that, Shem's Mom and one of his brothers came to visit.  It was awesome having family around!  Mikey was super awesome with Thomas, helping him climb the stairs and blow bubbles.  Grandma Char brought some great books and drawings for Thomas and we were sad to see them go.  We are heading out for a visit to PA in September and are looking forward to it.  After that visit, my Mom and Dad came for a few days as well!  Again, we had an awesome time.  Gma Arlene played lots of games with Thomas, and read him lots of his favorite books.  We all went for a nice lunch and hike together.  The visit flew by and we were bummed when they had to go as well.  Next up my brother will be in town for a bit this weekend!  Thomas had lots of playdates this month, turned ten months old, and sprouted 4 more teeth in one day!  He is much more active and can cruise around using the furniture to stand on.  He understands what "no" means, but whether he chooses to pay attention to us is another thing.  One of his favorite activities these days is to bother the dogs.  He chases them, bites them, grabs them, and tries to join in on their wrestling sessions to no avail.  It's been a stressful few weeks as Shem is working full time and finishing up school which requires an evening class and a weekend class.  I have no sitters at the moment so, I have been going a bit stir crazy, but we are getting through it :)  More posts to come soon!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Adorable. Fricken adorable. Looks like you had a great time and lots of visitors. How much fun! We also love our ergo carrier.

Wow Thomas is growing up so fast. It looks like you are having so much fun being a mama. Send my love to Shem!