Thursday, June 18, 2009

Peri Park

We have this awesome park in Fairfax that we love to go to.  Thomas likes the swing and the slide and the sand so far.  It has been a super busy month so I haven't posted much, but I hope to catch up more soon!  Thomas is 10 months old in a few days and is moving around like crazy.  He can pull himself up on stuff and loves to cruise around.  He has quite the personality and is pretty obsessed with where his Mom is.  Now instead of crying as soon as I leave the room, he crawls after me while crying.  He is really hesitant around new people and things, but after a few minutes, he warms up to mostly everyone and everything.  He is a cautious little guy.  He is still pretty serious and mellow, but he has a great smile when he decides to bust it out.  Thomas's Grandma Char and Uncle Mike just visited so we will have some pictures of that soon too!!!

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