Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

We hope you all had a fun Halloween!  Thomas dressed up as a giraffe.  I didn't really want to dress him up...never really been a huge Halloween fan except when I was a little kid.  I ended up passing a store and the costumes were 50% off so, Thomas ended up enduring a giraffe costume for half the day.  First we went to our Mom's group party where all the babies were dressed up. We were late because of traffic and rain (the rainy season has officially started here) so, we missed the huge group photos but, I got a couple decent ones of a few of the babies.  Most of the babies were crying alot, I think because the costumes were so hot and probably annoying for them.  Thomas thought it was pretty entertaining.  The costumes were all so funny and all the babies were super cute.  Then we went around to a couple neighbors houses just to chat and hang out.  Thomas pretty much just looked around wide eyed all day and then crashed when we got home.  Someone lent me a witch hat and I had it on while we were trick or treating.  Effie took one look at me in it and started barking like crazy....she was terrified.  She wouldn't come near me until I took it off, and even then she was hesitant for awhile.  As you can see from the pictures, Thomas wasn't a giant fan of Mom in the witch hat either.  Hope you all had a fun holiday!!!!  


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! He is sooo cute I cant handle it!

che_girl said...

Did i already say HOW HANDSOME Thomas is?!!!

Rachel said...

What wonderful pictures. I am so happy you had fun at the moms group and I am so happy that you are part of one. Mom friends are so important. Thomas is getting so big already.