Sunday, November 23, 2008

3 months old!

Thomas has hit the three month mark....a week ago.  I am having a hard time posting these days, not only because things are hectic but, because I keep forgetting to take pictures of the little guy.  Thomas has been doing great.  He still is a sleeping champ, and is really happy and easy going.  He has started smiling when I come home and has "games" that he likes to play where he gives us some really big smiles.  He also smiles alot when Shem comes home from work.  So clearly he has figured out who his parents are at least.  We are still waiting for a real laugh.  He reaches out for things now but, isn't so great at grabbing yet unless you put something in his grip.  In that case, he never lets go....especially to my hair, which is becoming a bit of a problem.  He loves sucking his thumb to soothe himself these days.  He also is loving the baby bjorn and loves going places with us.  My friend Emily from Sioux Falls came to visit for the day and brought her baby Charlie along.  It was hilarious to see what Thomas will be like when he is 6 months old...Charlie was all over the place.  I am going to have to babyproof sooner than I thought! We have been going to a friends house every Tues. evening and she has bigger kids there playing which Thomas is totally fascinated by.  I look at those older kids and can't even imagine Thomas ever being that big.  Thomas got his first cold as well which was a bummer but, he didn't even seem to notice.  We even passed the cold along to his bff Ez unfortunately.  Next up we are having my parents, Shem's parents, and Bob, Emily and Ez over for Thanksgiving so, hopefully we will have some good pictures soon. 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Sharon-isn't it crazy has fast they grow and how much they change daily. He is adorable.