Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thomas Wagner Klein

Thomas Wagner Klein has arrived!!!!!!  As you know, I was scheduled to be induced on Friday morning but, I went into labor on my own at 3pm on Thursday.  We stayed at home for awhile and checked into the hospital at 11pm Thursday night.  Thomas was born at 12:55pm on Friday, Aug. 22nd.  Shem and I couldn't have been more ecstatic when we first laid eyes on him.  Everyone was a little shocked to find out he was 8 pounds, 12 ounces, including us!!!!!  Things have been going really well.  We left the hospital today and were anxious to introduce Thomas to Oscar and Effie but, so far so good!  We of course aren't getting any sleep but, we are really enjoying getting to know our new little guy.  


from a fountain said...

OHHHHHHHHHH i love these pics. You guys are so adorable!!!

i can't wait to meet Thomas!


Grand Master Pants said...

AWESOME!!! Congratulations Sharon! I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

OMG... he is sooooo cute!!! And soooo big! Wow! Looks so grown up! :) Congratulations to the Klein Family!!

Nathaniel Carey said...

haahahahahhaaa..... you guys are parents!! hahahahaahhaa.... sooo funny.... no sleep til... no sleep til....

love you guys... he's going to be wonderful, bad, but wonderful. no worries, he'll be too clever for you all to notice. he'll be a bit messy for your tastes and definitely want to be in command, but otherwise and a loving, generous, gentle and wonderful being.

we are only spectators.


Anonymous said...

Sharon, I swear to God I picked the right date on Thomas...I think you just hid him from all your friends at FBW so I wouldn't win! He looks wonderful and although he looks like a newborn, he doesn't have that pinched look of a natural delivery. He is beautiful! I wish I lived closer to you so I could see him in person! WTG and Congratulations to both you and Shem. He's gonna be a star. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am for all of you. Keep me posted on how Oscar and Effie do with him. I'll bet they become great buds! Get some rest my friend!


che_girl said...

(((Sharon))), I am so happy for you and Shem. Thomas looks so handsome and I can tell you are in love with your little man. Oscar and Effie will pick your good vibes and welcome this little fella like they have been friends forever.
Congratulations! And Welcome to the world Thomas!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow he is soooo cute! What a litle stinker... I cant wait to see him in December! I bet you are so excited to be home with him. Keep me posted on how things are going. Isaac cant wait to meet his new pal. Congrats Sharon and Shem-

love maggie and isaac

Emma said...

What a beautiful family! Congratulations!

Jennifer said...

I can't wait to see you guys in October. Anna said he was beautiful. Congratulations. You two are so blessed. Get as many winks as you can.
Love, Jen

Melissa said...

Congratulations Sharon! He's adorable! Try to get some rest, maybe when little Thomas is sleeping :)


Rachel said...

Wow what amazing pictures. Come check out us if you get a chance.


rachel and Max in philly

Aunt Sue said...

Great to see his 1-week-old photos. Looks like the Kirby's are very happy--and rightly so. He IS beautiful. Wonderful that the dogs have taken to him. We're very proud. Love you both.

Sitaram Das said...

I love that nat has completed a character analysis.