Friday, August 29, 2008

One week old!

Thomas is a week old today!  He had his first doctor's appt. on Thurs. and is already an ounce shy of his birth weight!  He is doing so well that he doesn't have to go back to the doctor until he is 6 weeks old.  We had a really special week because Thomas got to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Kirby!!!!!!  Arlene and Dan were in San Diego for a wedding so, they swung up to see Thomas before heading back to Sioux Falls.  My mom is coming back in a few weeks after Shem goes back to work, and then Shem's mom comes to visit as well!  It will be fun to have some extra hands, especially once Shem returns to work.  Thomas had a busy day meeting his Grandma and Grandpa, but that didn't keep him from staying up from 11pm-4am that night!  But, he made up for it the next night with our first 5 hour sleep session!  We are crossing our fingers for more of those.  Thomas's favorite spots to chill are his bouncer, and his swing.  Otherwise he likes just chilling on his back on a lap and looking around.  He also is a BIG fan of the finger to calm him down.  He wants nothing to do with the pacifier but, he will take a finger for ages.  We also went for our first couple of walks with him this week and we have met several friends and neighbors.  We are off to the neighbors for dinner tonight so, we will see how that goes!  Oscar and Effie remain well behaved although Effie does want to lick Thomas every chance she gets.  When I was changing him today in his pack n play, Effie actually jumped into the crib!!!!  


Colleen said...

That picture of Dan, Arlene and Thomas just made my afternoon. :) Your family gets more and more beautiful by the moment.

Love you Shar. Sending all of my best your way.

Rachel said...

I love all of the pictures. I am so happy that Thomas is meeting his grand parents. I hope you guys have a great dinner tonight and hopefully the little guy will sleep.

che_girl said...

Sharon, your little man is absolutely gorgeous! Can we start arranging a marriage between Thomas and my little Ella? :)
Enjoy that precious baby!

Anonymous said...

OMG Sharon he is soooooo CUTE!!! I love him!!! Can't wait to see him! Just two more weeks!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love that he only wants to suck your finger. Isaac loved doing that, too. I love seeing all your pictures and I was happy to see that your parents made it. So much fun in the Kirby/Klein family. Enjoy this time. Keep up the blogs. I check it everyday
