Friday, May 15, 2009

The magic month

For the first time, I am just going to pictures or videos :)  Next time.  Over the past couple of weeks, things have gotten really interesting in our household.  I feel like once Thomas hit 8 months old, he just turned into a little person.  He is crawling now, babbling alot more, just doing alot more in general.  It really takes the pressure off of me.  He just enjoys playing and hanging out these days which is SO much easier.  He used to cry cry cry every time I left the room.  Now he can follow me.  Or he is so immersed in something new (like electric cords...ha) that he just doesn't notice where I am.  I am loving it.  He is also just so FUN now.  It makes me look back and wonder how we even got through the baby blob phases.  I think you are just so excited to have a baby that you don't realize just how boring they are in the beginning.  Then they turn into little people.  Thomas actually plays games now and has a personality!  I love it!  He still loves things that make noise and he loves banging his toys together to see what will happen.  He is just such a good, mellow little guy.  If he is awake, he's happy (unless he sees me leave) and he is napping forever these days...I guess maybe he's tired from all the crawling.  His poor little knees have rug burn from crawling so much.  Shem and I are starting to branch out a bit more now too.  It feels like after they are 6 months old you can be you again.  I have started volunteering with the Ross Valley Mothers Group which consists of all the area small town Mom's who join with their babies/kids.  I am on the welcoming committee.  So far everyone has been super nice and really fun.  I can't wait to do more with them.  This is also the group where I got my playgroup which still meets once a week.  We have Mom's nights out once a month too which is fun.  Shem and I have our college babysitter back in town for the summer so I booked her for every Friday night this summer.  That's right, every Friday!  Starting tonight actually.  Tomorrow we are taking Thomas to the beach for the first time.  I am am embarrassed that we haven't been yet.  We will take pictures and that will be my next post.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

The mommy group sounds fun. What a great way to put yourself out there. Way to go momma. Keep me posted as to your experience.