Wednesday, December 31, 2008

4 months old, first Christmas and first tooth!!!!

Alot has happened this month!  Thomas turned 4 months old on Dec. 22nd AND he got his first tooth on Christmas day!!!  I didn't even notice anything was different except he was a bit more chewy and seemed a little restless at night.  Then, I looked in his mouth, and there it was, his first bottom tooth.  Some baby tylenol took care of the nighttime restlessness and now he seems back to normal.  Thomas is rolling from front to back and back to front now and he is much more active.  He is grabbing his toys now and they go straight to his mouth.  We are thinking of starting solids soon as well.  We started out Dec. with our Mom's group holiday party with 9 families and their new babies.  Thomas looks little in the picture because he is the youngest one in the group.  Most of the babies are about 4 months older than him which is nice because then I can pick all the other mom's brains about things they have already experienced.  I traveled with Thomas alone....bad idea!!!!!! Sioux Falls, SD for Christmas.  After some major travel drama, we arrived in SD a little over 13 hours later, with no bags.  Thomas was a champ, not crying once.  I was the one losing my mind especially at the point where we finally arrived in Sioux Falls, only to sit on the runway for an hour and a half because a plane was parked at our gate with a mechanical. I also learned that most planes don't even have changing tables!!!???  What is the deal with that?  Just think that a diaper was probably changed on your seat next time you fly....haha.  So, Shem arrived 3 days later with minimal travel trouble, as did Douglas.  We had an awesome Christmas and were so glad that Doug made a last minute decision to be home with us.  Thomas adjusted great, staying on California time the whole time.  He met millions of people.  My friend Nan came over with her new baby Andrew.  He is a month younger than Thomas.  Nan has two older boys as well...I have no idea how she does it!!! I went over to my friend Maggie's for a playdate with babies Isaac, Charlie, and Sophia.  It was fun to see what Thomas will be doing 4 months from now...Isaac and Charlie were all over the place!  My other friend Jen was also home for the holidays so, Thomas got to meet her baby Anna for the first time which was super fun.  Anna is going to be Thomas's long distance girlfriend we decided.  Cousin Paige and her husband Dary came over to meet Thomas as well.  Paige is pregnant and due pretty much the same time Thomas was, just next year!  We are super excited for them...I am predicting a girl.  On Christmas Eve, Thomas got to meet 3 of his great grandparents.  My mom's mom Wilma, and my Dad's parents Joe and Dona.  My Grandpa Joe even posed for a few pictures with us for a 4 generation photo.  This was huge considering the last time my Grandpa allowed pictures to be taken of him was about 20 years ago....seriously.  We felt his pain but, those pictures are priceless.  Christmas night was also fun...we had our annual Christmas dinner with a couple of families.  Thomas just sat and stared at us while we ate way too much food, and drank way too much wine.  I got to go out for the first time and stayed out way too late.  Thankfully Thomas was sleeping until 9am there so, I got to get some sleep.  It was so fun being around my really makes me want to live closer but, there is no way we are moving to SD!!!!  It was freezing!  We are missing Grandma and Grandpa though now that we are back!  Thomas spent some quality time with both of them while we were home.   Shem and I even got to go on a lunch date.  Funny that lunch qualifies as a date now.  We hope you all had a great holiday and that you have a great New Year's Eve.  


Aunt Sue said...

Love seeing the latest pics. Thomas is so lucky to have such a loving familiy. A wonderful little boy. Can't wait to meet him.

Jennifer said...

YAHOO! Good pics. It was great to see you guys. Anna said she misses her boyfriend.