Friday, September 5, 2008

2 weeks have flown by!

Thomas has had another great week.  We can't believe 2 weeks have already gone by since he was born.  This week Thomas got to meet alot of new people including his newest best buddy Ezra Hostutler. Our friends Emily and Bob live in Santa Rosa (about 50 min. away) and they came down for a visit.  Ezra and Thomas were scheduled to enter the world on the same day but, Ezra was 8 days early, and Thomas was 8 days late.  They are definitely at similar stages though and we look forward to many more play dates with them.  This week we tried to get out a little bit more with Thomas.  It has been in the 90's every day though so, that has been pretty limiting.  We made it to lunch one day and Thomas slept the whole time.  We went to the neighbors for dinner and he slept the whole time, and I went to meet with my Mom's group and again, he slept the whole time.  All of our neighbors have yet to see him awake!  If only he would do that at home!!!  He has been pretty good as far as sleeping at night, even pulling some 4 or 5 hour stretches but, the boy is a tough one to get back to sleep!  He fights it all the way, waking himself up as we put him in his crib, or even after he is seemingly passed out for 5-10 minutes.  Shem goes back to work on Sunday.  It has been fantastic having him home.  He has been such an amazing help and I am bummed to see him go back!  We will be excited to see him each day after work.  Thomas had a minor milestone this week because he lost his umbilical cord (yay!) and got to have his first bath.  He liked his first bath, not so much his second one.  That was our fault though because I think his second bath occurred when he was a bit too tired.  Shem did a mini-photo shoot with Thomas this week as well so, I posted some of those pictures too.   


from a fountain said...

Hello! These pics are incredible! I love Thomas!!!!!!!!!! You guys look great. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

che_girl said...

Sharon, I am in love with your little man. From the recent photos you posted yesterday, I see that Thomas has your eyes and has Shem's nose and lips. Am I right? It seems to be a lot has happened in two weeks already and they are great mini milestones!

You look happy as well as Shem:)

Anonymous said...

Sharon! He's adorable! What a perfect combo of the two of you. I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying life as a new mom. It only keeps getting better :) Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys. I love his name, too. Very cute!

Sitaram Das said...

here's that quote I was Looking for!

kurt v
"Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies -- 'God damn it, you've got to be kind.'"

Aunt Sue said...

He looks SO grown up--with playdates already! And, the personality is showing. Nice job you two.

Jennifer said...

Thomas is darling and so tiny. I love the new pics that Shem took. I can't wait until Thomas and Anna get to hang out at Christmas. It looks like you three are doing well. Take care guys.