Sunday, February 28, 2010


Oscar and Thomas have fun with bubbles!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Visit to Bolinas

Doug moved to Bolinas a couple of weeks ago and it's only 40 minutes away! We are so excited to have him close by. It's been fun watching he and Thomas bond and play. Thomas loves him and looks around for him when he isn't here. One problem though is that "da-da, dog-dog, and doug-doug" all pretty much sound exactly the same when Thomas says them so I am never really sure who he is asking for. Even though it was chilly, we went to the beach where Thomas proceeded to pick up every rock he could find and chuck it. When the water came up to him, he would get real disoriented and fall down which was funny, but cold! Uncle Doug has a really cool farm house in Bolinas and has a great music set up so they played around with that for awhile too. We can't wait for more days at the beach and farm house with Uncle Doug.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rockin' out and Passin' out

The first couple pictures are from a rock out session with his Daddy. Thomas was trying to snap his fingers along to the music. Wish I could video him without him trying to get to the camera these days. The last picture is so sweet because we NEVER get to see Thomas sleeping. 99.9% of the time he is sleeping in his crib at home and he wakes up when I open the door so I never get to see him sleeping which is just so cute. The other day though we were in Santa Rosa visiting Emily, Bob and his buddy Ezra and Thomas has developed an issue napping in a strange place. So we left a little early and he passed out in the car on the way home. Shem snapped a photo since it's something we never get to see.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seattle trip

Thomas and Shem went to Seattle on their own last weekend and I stayed home and had a couple days to myself. Awesome on both ends!!! They had SO much fun. They went to visit Shem's cousins Chris and his wife Signe and their 5 month old Satchel as well as Matt and his wife Laura who are having a baby in June. They had so much fun hanging with the cousins and baby Satchel. Thomas is fascinated with babies. He likes to touch their hair and says "wah-wah-wah." These days Thomas refuses to wear any kind of real shoes except for soft Robeez. It's been a bit of a problem since it's super rainy and wet here and his shoes and socks get soaked every time we leave the house. But put a pair of rain boots on him and he won't take a step. He just rips at his feet screaming. Sigh. But as you can see from the last picture, he loves putting on adults shoes and trying to walk around. Silly kid. Thanks to the cousins for showing the boys a great time. I was bummed to miss out, but have to admit I had a nice, quiet time at home! I will come next time for sure!!