Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving in Palm Springs

We flew down to Palm Springs for Thanksgiving this year. First Thomas and I, and then Shem joined us on Tuesday. Thomas did SO well on the plane rides that people were stopping us telling us how good he was. He was smiling and laughing at everyone. We went swimming every day and Thomas went golfing for the first time with Grandpa Dan and Uncle Doug. He even had his own little set of clubs. He had a little bit of a hard time away from me as you can see in the picture where he is laying on the floor sucking his thumb with his favorite blanket. Gma Arlene read him tons of books and they had an awesome time together. By the end of the week he was as attached to her as he was me....almost. We also went to a light show at the Living Desert. Thomas loved it and ran around screaming the whole time. My shy guy suddenly disappeared in the circus of darkness and Christmas lights. Not sure what happened but he was having the time of his life. We all argued over what time to eat Thanksgiving dinner, with or without Thomas. I got my way (without Thomas) and then changed my mind so he could eat with us. Haha.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Looks like an amazing time.