Sunday, August 23, 2009

He's Just Not That Into It!

Thomas turned the big O-N-E yesterday!  We were really low key, no party, not much of anything.  We decided that if there ever was a year to sort of ignore the bday, this was it, so we took full advantage of that.  We did do some fun stuff though, went shopping and hit up the bookstore and got Thomas tons of new books.  Books are his new favorite thing.  He will sit on Shem's lap for 20-30 minutes every morning right after he wakes up and read!  We also got Thomas a cupcake and the best cupcake shop I have ever been to! (Teacake!)  The event was sort of anti climactic as you can see.  Thomas maybe took one or two bites and then mostly just mashed it around on his highchair.  One tradition down, millions more to go.  

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Isaac and Thomas are too much alike! Seriously, that was the same way Isaac was. Not into it! Too cute. I hope Thomas is having fun being one! Happy Birthday!