Thursday, March 19, 2009

Palm Springs part Deux

Palm Springs was so much fun!  Shem and I got to go out to an awesome Italian dinner one night.  Another night I got to go out with my cousin Paige for some Mexican and and a margarita and yet another night my whole family went out to a great fish place while Thomas had a babysitter.  That's 3 nights at a restaurant in a week for me...a record since having Thomas for sure!  I almost couldn't handle all the good food.  Thomas also got to meet a bunch of relatives.  Kevin, Peggy, Lindsay and Paul and Joe, Jennifer, Paige and Leah all came over to see Thomas for the first time.  It was really fun seeing everyone.  We can't wait to go back at some point because it actually felt like a real vacation!  Flash forward to the present----TW is almost 7 months old (in 3 days).  He is getting his top tooth in right now.  I actually didn't even notice; our babysitter pointed it out!  So far he has handled teething really well.  But since he is getting them early, the doctor said he will have the worst of it (molars) around a year old.  Thomas also had his 6 month check up a few weeks ago.  He was 18 pounds and is still in the 99th percentile for height.  The doctor said that means he will be TALL!  He's starting to eat more food although he still isn't real into it.  So far we have tried carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, squash, pears, and avocado.  I am thinking Thomas will be crawling sometime soon.  He has started to push up onto all fours and sort of shoot himself forward.  


Maggie said...

Thomas was 18lbs at his 6 month check up?? Isaac was 19lbs at his 9 month check up! I Bet Thomas is bigger than Isaac cause Isaac is under 50% for his height. How funny. Since Isaac was teething early he is also working on his year molars right now and it is definately awful! So be prepared for those buggers. Be well! Love the pics!

alyssa said...

Great pics Sharon! you guys look like you had a great time. Thomas is getting sooo big - what a little man!

Rachel said...

he is so adorable..I love the pictures of this little guy