Monday, September 22, 2008

Frenchie meetups, BBQs, and Playdates Oh My!

There is nothing like a blog (and fantasy football) to make me realize how fast a week goes!  I was trying to update this each week but, I have never been much of a picture taker.  In the first week of Thomas's life, I took hundreds but, now I am back to my usual where I forget to take any.  Clearly if I can't even take photos of my one month old baby, the second kid we have is going to be highly neglected.  Anyway, this past week we had a French Bulldog Fest at our house.  We had 10 people over, 7 Frenchies, and one Boston.  A friend from Germany was in the US, so we all made a point to get together with our Frenchies.  It was hilarious seeing them all run around in the yard together.  Then after everyone headed out, we went to a BBQ for my Mom's group where there were over 12 babies!  Half were sleeping in their car seats the whole time (including Thomas).  It was fun to get to socialize all day!  We also had another playdate with Thomas's bestie Ezra.  After trying to time their sleep schedules so they would both be asleep when Emily and I went to lunch, we gave up and went anyway.  Thomas slept, Ezra woke up at lunch, but was very well behaved.  We had a big week for Shem and I because we are on night 6 of Thomas sleeping in his crib!!!!!!!!!  Although we love Thomas, it is fantastic not having him in our room (or our bed) anymore!  He sleeps better, we sleep better...and we don't have to listen to him thrash around all night in his sleep, waking us up every 20 minutes.  It was sorta sad to see him go...he looks so tiny in his crib but, so far, so good.  My mom is here this week so, that will be next weeks post....if I can finally remember to take some photos.  Thanks to Kat, Kristin, Ciara and Robin for the Frenchie photos!   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are keeping busy! Thomas is just meshing right in with the family. Glad to hear that he is in his crib. I hope you guys are getting good sleep! Hard to believe he is already a month old. Thanks for the updates..
