Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another week in the life of TWK

This week was a big one for us.  Shem went back to work which was hard for the first couple of days but, Thomas and I are settling in and really starting to become buddies.  He is starting to understand that I am his mom and he actually enjoys being around me.  He is pretty easy all day, with some key fussy times.  We ventured out a few times and he was well behaved.  He doesn't seem to enjoy our walks though...he usually loses it about halfway through and then I am the crazy lady walking around the neighborhood with a crying baby.  I am a bit late posting this week because with Shem going back to work, I totally forgot to take pictures this week!  I had to scramble up some photo shoots at the end of the week.  Thomas is checking out his surroundings more and more.  No matter how mad he is, I can put him in his crib and he immediately goes into a trance and stares at his mobile.  He loves it!  Effie gets in his face sometimes and he checks her out but, I don't think he understands what the heck she is.  Mostly though he is just eating and getting bigger...witness the newly forming chubbo cheeks.  We introduced a bottle this week and he has been taking a bottle a day from Shem which has been fun for them both.  Next on the list of tasks is to get Thomas into his crib....we'll see how that one goes.  


che_girl said...

Sharon, your little man is growing so fast. I can definitely see how much he has grown in this past week! So charming and such a handsome boy:)
And BRAVO for doing such a great job while Shem is at work.

Jennifer said...

Thomas is already looking so mature! I know how hard it can be when your honey goes back to work. It's amazing how adaptation just takes over and you are along for the ride. Miss you and love you guys!

Rachel said...

Wow- he looks wonderful and I am glad you are loving being a mom. Shem looks great as well. Yeah I have never been able to get Max to fully sleep on his own. Good luck! I hope you figure out what works for your family.

Unknown said...

Could he be cuter??? I really don't think so. Can't wait to meet him!