Monday, January 31, 2011

Due date

So, todays my due date. I don't take much stock in due dates especially since Thomas was 10 days "late," but there is something to be said about it changing you mentally as it approaches. I am starting to get antsy and annoyed that I haven't had the baby yet although I still feel great and really should just be enjoying this quite time. We are trying our best but I do feel like it's just a waiting game. I also really don't want to get induced so it's more the fear of that weighing me down. Fingers crossed though that it will happen. If not, I have a tentative induction date of Feb. 8th because that's when my doctor is on call and I would prefer to deliver with her, especially if it's an induction. So that's probably as far as I will go. I have another acupuncture session scheduled for the end of this week in case nothing happens so we will see. I honestly feel like it's not going to happen anytime soon, and since my back pain has gone away, I feel like I could be pregnant another month!!! Haha. I know that at least won't happen. Thomas is understanding more and more that there is going to be a baby coming home. He knows that his Uncle Doug is going to stay with him when we have to go to the hospital. He also keeps crawling around imitating a baby every night and saying that he is going to teach the baby to crawl. Today is Doug's birthday, a few days ago was Shem's Mom's birthday, and Shem's birthday is this Thursday. So no matter when this little guy is born this week, he will be in good company.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thomas head butts the phone

Thomas loves it when we video him these days and demands to see the videos as soon as we are done taking them. Shem's new Iphone can video while Thomas can also see himself on the screen as we video so he was cracking himself up with this one.

Crazy couple of months

We decided to really try to relax and enjoy the last few months before we had the baby. That didn't really go as planned because we also decided at the same time to cram as much travel and fun into the last few months as well because we know that will also get more difficult. At the beginning of Nov., Doug stayed with Thomas and Shem and I went to Big Sur. I can't believe I have lived in NorCal for 3 years and haven't been to Big Sur. We had an awesome weekend and Doug did a great job hanging with Thomas. When we got back, Thomas wanted to stay with Uncle Doug. After that trip, Shem's folks came to visit for a week over Thanksgiving which was great. Thomas LOVED playing with his Bapa Tom and MumMum. He drew a ton and read lots of books! A couple days after that we headed to Palm Springs for 5 days. We had an awesome time there as well, swimming every day, going to the Living Desert, and playing with Bapa Dan and Gma. Then after that trip, Shem took Thomas to Seattle to visit his cousins Chris, Signe, Satchel and Matt, Laura and Henry. Thomas was sick for this trip so he wasn't on his finest behavior but they had a great time anyway. I stayed home (was getting to late for me to travel much at this point) and did random nesting projects. Then, a few days after getting home from that trip, my parents came to visit for a week as well for Christmas. We had my brother over as well and it was really cozy and nice. We were stuck inside a lot because of the rain but we read lots of books again and ran around the house with my parents. Phew, now we are just chilling waiting for the baby. Oh, and a few weeks ago Thomas moved into his "big bed" which was a big deal! We had it set up next to his crib and waited until he asked to sleep in it. It's the bed that I slept in my whole life, and my parents, and 4 other generations on my Mom's side. It's a big bed for a toddler (double) but we didn't want to buy a bed only to swap him into this one in a year anyway. It's gone a lot better than I thought. He doesn't get out of bed, he just stays in there and plays. I think he just thinks it's a bigger crib. Yay! Now we moved the crib out of his room and into the babies room and he seems fine that the baby is going to take over his old bed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More ABC's with Uncle Doug

Thomas got a guitar for Xmas and he LOVES it. Been behind on posting but am going to try to catch up a bit ;)