Sunday, October 26, 2008


Things are moving along quite nicely in the Klein household these days.  Thomas has started sleeping through the night!!!!  He sleeps for 12 hours straight which is pretty awesome.  He is loving his crib and even has a little duck friend that he sleeps with now.  It is so awesome to see him sleeping so well and he really is just a happy, mellow little guy because of it.  He has also become quite the "talker" these days.  He chats away in his own little language and seems to especially like it when we imitate him.  He is super smiley and giggling as well.  He does have a very serious side though too, like his Daddy.  He is laughing one moment, and then has his little scowl on the next moment.  We started using our cloth diapers a few weeks ago and they are so great!  I highly recommend them to anyone considering using them.  I dragged my feet a bit and they didn't quite fit him yet, but once we started I was surprised at how easy and nice it is.  We use Fuzzi can see Thomas in one in the pictures.  It feels good to not be throwing away tons of diapers every day.  

Friday, October 17, 2008

Two months!

Thomas is two months old today.  He is 12 pounds 7 ounces and when we went to the doctor for his first shot (sad!), he said because of his percentile in the length department, Thomas will most likely be at least 6'1" or 6'2".  I think it is weird they can predict that when he is only two months old.  I guess we will see!  We have just been chillin' these days.  It is starting to get colder which is a bummer but, I get to put Thomas in cuter outfits now.  Shem started a new job at his new job.  Now he has the weekends off which is nice...we can all watch football together!  Shem is actually at a movie as I write this.  First movie since we had the baby.  Now we just need to somehow manage to get out together.  I have been enjoying a great new babysitter once a week.  So far she has only come twice for a couple of hours but, it is pretty awesome.  I realize now why people move home...childcare!!!  It is a bummer not having either grandparents close by but, we did have great visits the last couple of weeks with them and everyone is coming out for Thanksgiving which will be fun.  Thomas and I headed to Santa Rosa for another visit with Emily and Ez.  Seeing the two of them together (Thomas and Ezra) is hilarious.  They are pretty much the same baby.  Aside from the fact that they were only awake for like 5 minutes at the same time, I think they had a good time.  Ezra was nice enough to let Thomas play on his play mat AND he let him sleep in his crib.  Sleep is going pretty awesome these days.  Not that anyone else probably cares.  I have never been so obsessed with someone's or my own sleep.  But, now we are settling into a routine.  Thomas is only waking up once a night which is pretty great.  He still hates napping for more than like half an hour but, we are working on it.  He smiles alot more these days and seems like he is gearing up for a true laugh or giggle soon.  He is talking alot but, I don't think he has really laughed yet.  He is into his new playmat and as you can see from the pictures, he is a little into Effie now.  She is certainly into him.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 weeks old and counting!

Alot can happen in two weeks in the life of an infant!  Where to begin....Grandma Arlene came to visit a couple of weeks ago which was super fun.  She stayed for a week and it was a great help.  She cooked lots of good meals, ran lots of errands, and loved up on Thomas.  We discovered that she and Thomas had matching PJ's so, we took a picture of them one morning sporting their grey and white stripes together.  Thomas went to the doctor because he had a sudden rash (which just as suddenly went away), and he got weighed and measured while we were there.  He is already 12 pounds!!!!!!  He has also already grown an inch which shocked the doctor and us.  He predicts there is no way Thomas will not be tall.  We also started a new sleep program because Thomas had become a bit addicted to our finger (see previous photos), and was only napping for 20-30 min. at a time. (often with me hovering over his swing with my finger in his mouth to get him to go back to sleep). So, we have started him napping only in his crib and he is doing SO much better.  We let him cry a little and he puts himself to sleep now while sucking on his own hand which is a nice break for my pruning finger.  He is so much happier during the day now and he is sleeping for 5 hours at night, and then another 3-4 hours til he wakes up!  So, he is waking only twice now in the middle of the night which is pretty awesome!  He is also becoming much more aware of his surroundings.  He has busted out many smiles at this point too but, we have yet to capture a really good one on camera.  Grandma Arlene gave us an awesome video camera on her last visit so, we are hoping to post some videos soon too.  My Mom also brought along an awesome gift from my first grade teacher (who remains a good friend) Roxanne Aronson.  She makes quilts and she made a beautiful one for Thomas.  She modeled it after a craft I made her when I was in 2nd grade!!!!!  I couldn't believe she still had a gift I gave her when I was 7 years old, not to mention that she new where it was, and then made a beautiful quilt inspired by it.  We are so thankful!!!  Thomas's Grandma Charlotte is currently visiting which has been so much fun.  She is loving up on Thomas a ton and is so great with him.  We have been spending alot of time at home (because of trying out his new sleep schedule) and on the porch with his Grandma Char.  She takes him for lots of walks in the yard and is showing him all the trees and wildlife.  My brother Doug and his girlfriend Thia also visited today!  So, Thomas has gotten to meet alot of family in the past two weeks!  Doug was disappointed because Thomas wouldn't look at him.  No matter which way he turned him, Thomas would look anywhere but at Doug's face.  Maybe at Thanksgiving Thomas will be up for some more interaction with his uncle.