Friday, August 29, 2008

One week old!

Thomas is a week old today!  He had his first doctor's appt. on Thurs. and is already an ounce shy of his birth weight!  He is doing so well that he doesn't have to go back to the doctor until he is 6 weeks old.  We had a really special week because Thomas got to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Kirby!!!!!!  Arlene and Dan were in San Diego for a wedding so, they swung up to see Thomas before heading back to Sioux Falls.  My mom is coming back in a few weeks after Shem goes back to work, and then Shem's mom comes to visit as well!  It will be fun to have some extra hands, especially once Shem returns to work.  Thomas had a busy day meeting his Grandma and Grandpa, but that didn't keep him from staying up from 11pm-4am that night!  But, he made up for it the next night with our first 5 hour sleep session!  We are crossing our fingers for more of those.  Thomas's favorite spots to chill are his bouncer, and his swing.  Otherwise he likes just chilling on his back on a lap and looking around.  He also is a BIG fan of the finger to calm him down.  He wants nothing to do with the pacifier but, he will take a finger for ages.  We also went for our first couple of walks with him this week and we have met several friends and neighbors.  We are off to the neighbors for dinner tonight so, we will see how that goes!  Oscar and Effie remain well behaved although Effie does want to lick Thomas every chance she gets.  When I was changing him today in his pack n play, Effie actually jumped into the crib!!!!  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thomas Wagner Klein

Thomas Wagner Klein has arrived!!!!!!  As you know, I was scheduled to be induced on Friday morning but, I went into labor on my own at 3pm on Thursday.  We stayed at home for awhile and checked into the hospital at 11pm Thursday night.  Thomas was born at 12:55pm on Friday, Aug. 22nd.  Shem and I couldn't have been more ecstatic when we first laid eyes on him.  Everyone was a little shocked to find out he was 8 pounds, 12 ounces, including us!!!!!  Things have been going really well.  We left the hospital today and were anxious to introduce Thomas to Oscar and Effie but, so far so good!  We of course aren't getting any sleep but, we are really enjoying getting to know our new little guy.  

Monday, August 18, 2008

4 more days!!!!.....maybe.

Went to the doctor today and they have scheduled baby Klein's arrival for Friday, Aug. 22nd starting the process at 8am. Does anyone think I am going to be able to sleep Thursday night??? Now, he could obviously have other plans and arrive sooner but, at least we have an end date at this point. So, that's the latest news on the baby front. There WILL be a baby by this weekend, regardless of how at home he has made himself! I am just hanging out at this point, trying not to hate life.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The countdown

Baby Klein is officially due to enter the world on August 14th, 2008. Anything before that would be fine by me as well. Things are moving along and the doctors predict that I will go into labor on my own. I have this nagging feeling that I am going to go passed my due date and end up having to get induced but, I suppose I should be thinking in a more positive direction. This week has been pretty boring as we pretty much have everything ready. As usual, I was a bit too prepared, arriving at the party a few hours too early. To pass the time we have been creating
projects that are probably totally unnecessary. Shem cleaned the entire garage (although, I must say, he is actually busy and just started a new job), and hung the final things in the nursery while I have been cooking giant pots of things to freeze for post baby meals. I posted a picture of what I am looking like these days at nearly 40 weeks pregnant (40 weeks is 10 months people...why don't they tell you that???). Also, here are some pictures of the nursery which is mostly done. There will probably be some more things we want to hang on the wall but, for the most part, it is pretty much done. Since Baby Klein only exists on a certain level, we put pictures of his "friends" (babies Isaac, Charlie, and Anna) up on his bulletin board until he can be photographed and join them. Shem also did a really cute painting for the nursery that features none other than Oscar and Effie if you look closely at the bottom right. Those two will be in for the shock of their lives as we add another member to the family. We are crossing our fingers that they adjust well. I will be updating here once the little man has arrived, as well as posting pictures and updates as we reach new entertaining milestones.