Sunday, June 6, 2010

My garden grows!

It's growing! We have had about 10 salads from harvesting the lettuce in the garden and they were SO good. The lettuce grows so fast I can hardly keep up so we have been having a fresh garden salad every other night these days. The tomatoes are looking good and I have about 10-15 green little guys on the sweet 100. I just started zuchinni because a friend gave me a little starter. The beets I am not so sure about as I think they might have needed to be thinned some more and they have been the most attacked by pests but I am crossing my fingers. The kale is growing nicely and the peppers are starting to form. The bean plants are getting a lot bigger but I still don't see any beans. The artichokes are doing well but that was a surprise crop that I didn't even really know was planted in our yard. I don't really know when the right time to harvest them is so we can eat them, so I am going to let them bloom and have them be nice flowers inside.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

All kinds of random things...

We had a fun weekend a few weekends ago when Bob, Em and Ezra came and stayed the night, and Ezra spend the day with us while Bob and Em ran in the Bay to Breakers race. There were some interesting stories from that race and I would love to see it some day. Wish we would have gone when we lived in the city but it always seemed like such an ordeal. Ez stayed with us for the day while they did the run and we had lots of fun. It's hilarious to see Thomas and Ezra together since they are so close in age and doing so many of the same things. Ezra is definitely more of an explorer than Thomas so he taught Thomas a few things while he was here. We went down to the park and realized that chasing after two toddlers is an interesting task. Thank God we didn't have twins!! I am not really sure how people do it. Ez and Thomas loved playing together and I snapped some pictures of them with Shem on our walk, and of them playing the piano together. The next few pictures of random ones of some hikes with Shem on the weekends. They love exploring nature together and I really enjoy it on the days I go with them as well. They have a nice little routine down though the two of them and I think they like the time together. Plus, I think that Shem may let Thomas do a few things when I am not around that would make me nervous if I was. I threw in the last pictures of Oscar and Effie because they are loving the sunny weather now and laying out in the sun. Oscar begs each sunny morning by the door to go out and lie in the sun. Effie just had surgery a week or so ago to help her breath better. We have seen an improvement, but she definitely still snorts and snores.