Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

He's Just Not That Into It!

Thomas turned the big O-N-E yesterday!  We were really low key, no party, not much of anything.  We decided that if there ever was a year to sort of ignore the bday, this was it, so we took full advantage of that.  We did do some fun stuff though, went shopping and hit up the bookstore and got Thomas tons of new books.  Books are his new favorite thing.  He will sit on Shem's lap for 20-30 minutes every morning right after he wakes up and read!  We also got Thomas a cupcake and the best cupcake shop I have ever been to! (Teacake!)  The event was sort of anti climactic as you can see.  Thomas maybe took one or two bites and then mostly just mashed it around on his highchair.  One tradition down, millions more to go.  

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tahoe trip/Daddy time

I had an awesome trip to Tahoe!  First time leaving Thomas with Shem and it worked perfectly.  Shem sent me pictures of their "walking adventures" (see pictures) and I enjoyed swimming, lounging, and lots of good food and drinks in Tahoe.  I knew it would be beautiful up there, but I was surprised at how awesome it was, and how clear the lake is.  I was also surprised at how well Thomas did without me, slept well, ate well, etc.  He missed one bottle because I was a tiny bit short on milk, so we mixed only 3 ounces of formula in with it and he refused to eat it!  While I was away, Thomas grew to be so obsessed with his walker that it has been banished from the house, only to be used outside.  If he uses it in the house, he just rams it into things and then yells for me to come move it for him.  Needless to say, it gets a little tedious.  So, we now take it outside to flat surfaces and he walks and walks and walks, until he gets tired and sits down to eat rocks.  He must need those rocks to ease the pain of the molars he is currently getting.  2 down, more to go!  He is a trooper through it all though and it doesn't seem to upset him much.  I have been looking out for some words lately, but haven't heard much decipherable.