Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy and he knows it!

Thomas is 8 months old!!!  He has this stuffed gorilla that sings "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands" and he loves it.  We usually spend half an hour or so before bedtime (his crankiest time) with the gorilla.  As you can see from the video, he really likes it.  As soon as it turns off, he yells and we start it all over again.  

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter/Birthday extravaganza

Happy Easter!!!!  We had a great one!  Our friend and her daughter came over for lunch which was fun. I got to cook which is always nice for me these days.  I don't cook as much as I would like to anymore.  Then we went to a big Easter shindig at my friend Megan's sisters place. Megan watches Thomas twice a week and has become a great friend.  Thomas LOVES her.  She can make him smile and laugh no matter what else is going on.  At the Easter party there were 6 older boys (4 are siblings!).  It made me realize what I have to look forward to with Thomas, especially at fun holidays.  They had a huge Easter egg hunt and everyone was going nuts.  There were even some eggs hidden for Thomas.  As you can see from the pictures, he loved the eggs.  It was also my birthday last week.  Megan came over and watched Thomas for my birthday present.  I went to the city in the day and hung out and then Shem and I went to an awesome dinner that night.  28 is a bit of a boring number to turn.  30 is getting closer and closer.  Ugh.  We also had playgroup at our house a couple of weeks ago.  6 babies, all older than Thomas.  The stairs were an issue...they were all fascinated by trying to get to the stairs.  We had to drag the coffee table over as a barrier.  Time for another gate!  Ezra and Emily came over too which was great!  We hadn't seen them in forever.  Funny to see that Ez and Thomas behave pretty much identical to eachother.  Thomas seems like he is changing on a daily basis lately.  He is "talking" so much!  He says "dadadadadadada" over and over again all day.  He is eating a bit more variety although he still won't eat the food I make him which is frustrating.  I also threw in an Oscar and Effie picture update.  Effie sleeps like that most of the time, with her tongue mostly out.  Ridiculous.